
Image by FlamingText.com
Image by FlamingText.com KEY Logistics International is a transportation and logistics company that ships many cargoes in many size by sea and air within Indonesia and internationally. It is composed of a young, dynamic and flexible staff, able to offer an efficient services that is “ tailor made” for the clients specific needs.. KEY Logistics International has worked hard over the last years, to achieve and to develop a solid network of agents that are also customs brokers, able to offer a high standard of professional services in their own areas of expertise.

Contact Us

Kami persilahkan Anda untuk merekomendasikan facebook dan email kami : keylogistics@ymail.com kepada semua teman-teman dan relasi Anda agar lebih banyak yang bisa sharing dan mendapatkan manfa'at disini.

  • 02126288168 (Ponsel)
  • 0213914422 (Lainnya)
  • 0818826721 (Ponsel)

  • Jl. KH Wahid Hasyim no. 8B
  • Jakarta, Indonesia

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The Key of Your Logistics Needs is KEY LOGISTICS International
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